Den Helder Index page.
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Den Helder directory:
- Den Helder - on the map. Shows where to find Den Helder on the map. Also describes some things in the environment, like Northsea, "afsluitdijk" and more.
- History of Den Helder. Describes the interesting history of Den Helder and Huisduinen, from about 800 AD until today.
- History - Sources and references. Contains information about the sources and references that are used to create the history pages.
- Den Helder - links. Links to webpages about museums, flower bulbs, city center and an interactive map of Den Helder.
- Den Helder - pictures and videos. Links to websources that contain pictures and videos about Den Helder, Huisduinen, markets, flower bulbs and more.
- Den Helder - Weather. Todays weatherforecast in Den Helder, sun, rain, and wind. Also the weather for the next 14 days.